Get List Collection By Owner


In order to get collections of a wallet on-chain, SDK provides you with a getCollectionsByOwner endpoint to do so

try {
  const testnetClient = nft2Client.getNFT2ContractMultichain('testnet');
  const { collections, total } = await testnetClient.getCollectionsByOwner(
    "0x...",  // user wallet
      limit: 20,
      offset: 0
    [97, 43113]
  console.log(collections, total)
} catch (e) {


  • ownerAddress (string): Wallet address of owner.

  • Pagination:

    • limit (number): Pagination limit.

    • offset (number): Pagination offset.

    • sort ({field: 'deployAt'; order: 'DESC' | 'ASC'}): Optional. Only support sort on collection deploy block. Default order DESC.

  • chainIds: Which chains to get from.


  collections: Array<{
    name: string;
    symbol: string;
    imageUrl: string;
    contractAddress: string;
    ownerAddress: string;
    creatorAddress: string;
    chainId: number;
    type: number;
    deployedAt: Date;
    totalNfts: number;
    totalOwners: number;
    kind: number;
    defaultRoyalty: number;
  total: number;

Last updated