Utility Functions

Merkle Tree

  1. In order to generate an merkle tree with input Whitelist, SDK provides buildWhitelistMerkleTree endpoint to do so.

import { utils } from "@darenft-labs/nft2-client";
const data = utils.buildWhitelistMerkleTree([
    address: "0x...",       // user wallet in whitelist
    tokenIdOrAmount: 5,     // FCFS: maximum NFT amount of user, FixedUri: NFT token ID
    tokenUri: 'ipfs://XXX', // tokenUri, only for FixedUri
console.log('data: ', data);
  1. Generate an leaf of merkle tree with input Whitelist, SDK provides an endpoint createWhitelistLeaf to do so

import { utils } from "@darenft-labs/nft2-client";
const data = utils.createWhitelistLeaf(
  "0x...",      // user wallet address
  5,            // tokenIdOrAmount
  'ipfs://XXX', // tokenUri, only for FixedUri
console.log('data: ', data);

IPFS URL converter

  1. Convert url ipfs:// to ipfs public endpoint, SDK provides convertIPFSToUri endpoint to do so.

import { utils } from "@darenft-labs/nft2-client";
const accessableUrl = utils.convertIPFSToUri("ipfs://XXX"); // XXX is CID on IPFS
console.log('url: ', accessableUrl);
  1. Convert url of an ipfs endpoint to ipfs:// format, SDK provides convertUrlToIPFS endpoint to do so.

import { utils } from "@darenft-labs/nft2-client";
const ipfsUrl = utils.convertUrlToIPFS("http://abc/ipfs/XXX"); // XXX is CID on IPFS
console.log('url: ', ipfsUrl);

Multi chain

Get network type (mainnet | testnet) of chain id, SDK provides getNetworkKey endpoint to do so

import { utils } from "@darenft-labs/nft2-client";
const netWorkType = utils.getNetworkKey(43113);
console.log('url: ', netWorkType);

Last updated