
Guideline on Hardhat config and deployment.

Hardhat config

  1. Add chain config in networks section in hardhat.config.js file:

// hardhat.config.js
networks: {
    derachain: {
      chainId: 20240801,
      url: "https://rpc-testnet.derachain.com/ext/bc/2LZp9ypK4SWm3a8MBYZbxTZgKbvB4aemUf83cBp1hSnvP7SFiw/rpc",
      accounts: [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY!],
  1. Add customChain config for contracts verification in etherscan section of hardhat.config.js file:

// hardhat.config.js
etherscan: {
    apiKey: {
      derachain: "empty",
    customChains: [
        network: "derachain",
        chainId: 20240801,
        urls: {
          apiURL: "https://trace.derachain.com/api",
          browserURL: "https://trace.derachain.com",

Compile contracts

Compile smart contracts using hardhat commands as usual:

$ npx hardhat clean && npx hardhat compile

Deploy contracts

Deploy compiled smart contracts using deployment scripts as usual:

$ npx hardhat run <deployment-script.js> --network derachain

Verify contracts

Verify deployed smart contracts usingverify command as usual:

$ npx hardhat verify <deployed-address> --network derachain

After verification, the verified contracts can be displayed and interacted with on Explorer site.

Last updated